Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kids at the Discovery Museum

This summer the kids and I are having a lot of fun. It is so nice to no be school and have time to do fun things.

We decided to go to Discovery at Gateway. It's a really fun place for kids. They could have stayed there all day.

We went with their cousins Quinton and Avry. The kids were running from one area to the next. They loved all the building blocks, pipes, legos, and kinex.

It was a really fun day. We are looking forward to many days like this, now that mom doesn't have to study all the time...ha ha ha


Natalie and Aaron said...

Erika! Hi, how are you! So you are working for Dr. Funk? How are you liking that! That's awesome. Well I just sent you an invite for my blog I just recently started. It's private. Let me know if you don't get it. Anyway, your kids are so cute! Isn't it so nice being done with school. What a relief. Talk to you soon!