We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Cameron was surprised, like he wanted to be; and Izzy got the things she most wanted out of her outrageously long letter to Santa.
On Christmas Eve we got together with my family. We don't get together until 9pm. Then we have a big dinner and gift exchange.
This year it was a my house. I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday! I start thinking about what I'm going to cook weeks in advance. My family likes to try new recipes, so every year all the sisters pick something different to make.
I tried talking my family into having a little talent show. I wasn't very successful. Izzy and I played a little duet, and Cam played a song on his own. Joanne wrote a poem about the time the kids spent with them in ND. Jenn read a Christmas story. We also sang some Christmas Carols. It was a lot of fun. Maybe next year I can talk more of my siblings into it.
We also had our traditional gift exchange. We do it a little different than most people. We don't tell each other who we have. Then on Christmas Eve we all have to say things about the person we have, so everyone can guess who it is. Is really fun. We've done it for so many years that is hard to come up with something new.
On Christmas day we had dinner with Amos' family. We went to Rusty's house. It was the first year we were able to get all the siblings together at the same time on Christmas. It was nice to be able to just relax and enjoy each others company.
12 years ago
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